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Antivirus equals flawed system?

September 18, 2008

Or do I need an anti-virus to protect my computer. Some question might be, do I really need an anti-virus? Really? Well, my answer is no. You don’t need one, but it might keep you on the safer side of using a computer. That is, if you are not using your computer very often and […]

Filed under: The IT world | Comments (1)

My ICQ Notes Xtra

September 17, 2008

So, this is about an Xtra for ICQ I wrote some time ago, when there wasn’t the openXtraz platform beta yet. Don’t ask, how I did that, I won’t answer, except maybe, if you work for ICQ, but then you probably know how, right? So, I wrote this xtra, even though I never made any […]

Filed under: Fun Stuff, ICQ | Comments (2)