June 12, 2008
The new flash based ICQ2Go! BETA 2 has arrived and is finally here. It features a new redesigned interface, and it’s looking really great. It has tabbed messages, status management (even if text only), properly distinguishes between the AIM and the ICQ profiles and even has an inline user search and the new ICQ sounds from infected mushroom embedded right within, but still I’m missing a few things. It does not seem to show anyone as online. And as it seems if I am logged in, I show as offline, too, despite the fact it does not visibly feature the invisible mode at all… well maybe that’s just me.
It does not support either receiving nor sending of HTML formatted messages (even if the flash based display engine displays italic and bold formatted text as such when someone enters the HTML tags for it) as the new clients such as AIM6 and ICQ6 use them for colorizing and formatting the text. At least bold and italics could be supported, colors would be nice.
Also it has no graphical emoticons which is a bit sad. Smaller versions of the ICQ6 emoticon gallery would fit great in that interface, really.
The status updater which can be found in that text bar right next to the status selector which features Online and Away status only, (which could at least get an Invisible mode to it, right?) does not seem to send the status to the remote clients, as it’s likely if the user signed on to ICQ2Go! shows up offline, but it could also update the serverside status item, so it’d show up in the contact lists, buddy lists and in the title bar of ICQ/AIM message windows.
But overall it’s a great new improved experience, compared to the ICQ2Go! version before.
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